Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Japanese Anyone???

On Friday my friend Nik.D. invited us out to Saganos. I am very glad I went. I want to add that it was made possible because I had free childcare; her husband Aaron babysat for me so I could go. Thank you very much Aaron!!!! I had a riot with her knitting group. The are all very nice. The food was different from what I would typically order, but I went out on a limb and order something that I thought Jac would like too. The sushi was great and the other stuff I had, however I can't pronounce it or spell what I ate lol! Something different is always a good thing right? The company was great and it was fun.


kristikara said...

That looks really good. I'm glad you all had fun!

freeisforme said...

I love Saganos! i just wish they had a dollar menu!!

pen in hand, heart on sleeve said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NIKKI!!! I'm kinda proud of myself for knowing it was your birthday around now. I'm glad you got to go someplace special and celebrate YOU!!! Remember, hang on to 39 as long as you can...
Love you!