Thursday, August 14, 2008

Today has been a frustrating day because I procrastinate and bring so much junk on myself. I have been cleaning my own house, just dropping stuff off to whoever will take it. feeling good about that. It's the calm before the storm (before school starts that is). I feel like I'm in the nesting phase of a pregnancy, I'm busy, anxious and down right in need of this trip to Mexico! I'm stressing hard about leaving my kids'. Hoping that we will return to see them and hold them and to not be selfish and leave them to be parentless. That is my big fear! Then I get news that my father-in-law is basically going home to die. He was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, it seems a couple months ago and now he is quickly going toward heaven. I know that is where he will go. I felt like I could always say things how they were with him and he still liked me. That is hard to come by these days. He always asked me how my Dad was doing, knowing that I have a strained relationship with him. That was his way of holding me accountable and telling me that life is too short to be mad about past things. I learned that lesson from Mike. He is such a loving soul and I am terribly sad that his life is ending in this manner. I'm sad for Grace and Sulls (and many grandchildren for that matter) who aren't going to remember papa Mike. I'm very sad for my mother in law who has spent many years with this man and has been by his side in good times and not so good. I'm sad for my super loving husband who won't show it now, but will shed tears when Mike finally rests. Jamie and Mike really like one another. I don't do well with loss, not that I've had a whole lot of this kind of loss like death. It seems like I'm getting closer to having to deal with more and I'm so fearful. I am so glad I have known Mike for the past 12 years. I have always adored him.

Friday, August 8, 2008


The people in these photos are a gift from God.
The kids' in our backyard having a blast. We've been looking since the beginning of summer for a big wheels and gratefully my friend Mary was looking to unload one so Jamie of course raced over to get it and Grace and Sulls have been having a riot on that thing..Money well spent to see the joy and hear the laughter on my babies faces. Lastly, the photo of my kiddies with my mimi and papa. My papa is 91 and has had his 2nd hip replacement. On this day we went to the rehibilataion center with the rest of my family and had a pizza party. I love having pictures like these for my kids. Get well soon papa!!!!!


Our fun friends Dennis and Carmen invited us to the family cottage on Secord lake in Gladwin. We had such a great day, the kids loved the boat ride.

Yesterday was such a fun day for my kids. They had four of their good friends over to play.
Sullivan, Grace, Tommy, Brooklyn, Kennedy and Sophia had a great time playing with playdoh, dressing up, changing clothes a couple times, playing with trains and cars, playing out on the swingset, having a snack..the list goes on. It went by quickly and we were sad when gigi and kristi came to get them. I felt like even though I had six kids under my care I still put laundry away and got a couple other things done. They all played very well together and last night they slept so good. Thank you Kim and Kristi for trusting me with your prize possessions. We had fun!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


I just found these pictures from a million that we have from the beginning of this summer. The pony rides were from our kids' circus birthday party, which they thought was pretty cool! We had the absolute pleasure of being able to watch our sweet little friends Sophia and Tommy for a bit yesterday. They are very polite, such nice little boy and girl. The kiddies had an awesome time in our desolate backyard. It seems that they can use their imagination to have fun anytime anywhere with minimal. I think it's really cute that the girls are sitting next to the boys!

Friday, August 1, 2008

still summer

We celebrated Father's day at Splash Village in Frankenmuth. We had a great time! Uncle Todd and Aunt Kristi gifted the kids' this pool that has been the source of many fun summer days. The camper was set up and ready to go at the Traverse City State park over fourth of July. We had a load of fun with friends and really have enjoyed taking it out on our many excursions. Another water tower picture with Sullivan. For some reason he wants his picture taken by eveyone we pass by lol!

playing catch up........

Summer for us started with the kids turning 5 and 3. They had a great time! Grace got a new outfit and had to visit Dr. Carroll's office for a perfect check up. Our friend Becky is her hygienist. Jacob, brooklyn and Kennedy playing at the park. I have so many more of Traverse and camping, but I can't put them all up. I'm trying so that you, friends and family can get caught up on what we've been up to this summer.

learning about pictures

I am just learning how to put pictures on thanks to my handy and smart friend Kim. She schooled me this morning where I literally took notes like back in school! Hey I can't figure out how to have Sullivan not sideways lol! He has such a great love for water towers I thought this would be appropriate. This picture of Jamie and Grace is by far my fav. of them. We just tackled the sand dunes up north. I play around more tonight and hopefully learn more.