Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cleaning up the drive way

Saturday we had a relaxing day. I went to get my hair done and when I came home my kids' were out in the drive way raking all the leaves up. This is the only tree we have in our yard other than the spruces in the back. It's like having several trees; it can dish out a ton of leaves. Great day to be outside! Then Jac went to a hockey game with my cousins' and uncle and I laid on the sofa sleeper with my babies and watched a movie and dozed in and out. I think I was coming down from all the hoopla and wanted to just veg the day away.. no agenda , no schedule just nothing. Between work, math and a bible study (alot of reading & time), and hosting bunko on Monday I was really needing some R&R.

Monday was super fun!! BUNKO is always fun, but it's fun when I get to host because I can have my Kahula and Creams and not worry about driving the sitter home. The best part was that Jamie took the day off so I didn't have to deal w/ the sitter issue and could enjoy my friends without the hussle of getting home and all that goes with it. Can I just say that Tiffany had nine bunkos!!! That is just unheard of. She rocked big time! I can just imagine what she's going to put that stinking apron through at Boyne this week-end lol! You all now what I mean! I only got two bunkos , but had a really fun time. I never want it to end. Looking forward to next month at Carmen's when we get to wear our P.J's. I'm wearing my flannels and eating until I explode!

game night

Our house on Halloween seems to be the pit stop for a bathroom break or some cider. Because it was on a Fri. we decided to have game night too. So we ate okay soup from a new recipe (never do that), Cheesy pot, weinies in a blanket, veggie tray, had a ton of candy and yummy fruit salad from the popcorn wagon and played catch phrase until 12 30. The kids' played their butts off and we all had a great time. I wished we would've have more time for pictures because it was a riot as you can see from Dennis and Jamie passing around Carmen's clown wig. She was an awesome clown BTW. Tracey the zoo keeper brought her animals over and they were awesome too! You need to post those pictures Tracey! Thanks for the use of your very nice crock pot too.

Halloween fun

Halloween came and went in a flash. I had to clean two houses back to back that day so Jamie and the kids' had a afternoon of fun themselves. First they went to the orchard to replace the pumpkins that were stolen twice! Teenagers ugh! They had doughnuts and cider and picked out great pumpkins for a $1.oo a piece! I'm not going to tell you how much I spent on the first two sets! That started a tradition this year that we'll be getting our pumpkins at a discount and will then ensure that they will not get stolen until after Halloween. Needless to say the lure has worn off after the fact because our pumpkins are still on our porch. It's hard to tell, but my talented husband carved Rocket from little Einstein's into Sulls pumpkin. It is so cool! Looking at these pictures I can't believe how nice it was out with the sun shining on them as they carved out on the deck.