Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Can you tell what I do for a living?

As I get older I let alot of things go that would typically not happen in my house. When I was younger and even after having kids' I ALWAYS kept up on my house hold chores. I think I have a disorder because my mind won't function unless my house is in order. I hope that makes sense, to me it does and that's all that matters right now! So I am putting myself out there and letting all of my friends see that I'm not this perfect house cleaner that you think I am. Just kidding, I really am, I just had a bad week. I had to take a picture because really my house never looks like this. Jamie was so irritated because after 12 years he is very used to neat and order. So when it looks like this we argue. It's like the ora in our space is tarnished. It's more hectic and harried to find things and frankly I can't handle living this way. I can only stand it for maybe a couple days and then I'm up cleaning. As you parents' can attest it only takes 2 seconds for it to look this way w/ children, but hours to get it back to order. What do you think? Can you stand that I am a house cleaner and my house looked this way lol!!! I know very brave of me. Can you believe that people actually pay me to clean their homes? I know that my Thursday client is reading this and laughing right now, Hi J. Oh well, I'm over it! Don't judge me Lol! I just noticed a beer bottle in the sink and a can of redi whip on the counter Hhhmm. yeah, really don't judge!


kristikara said...

I see you've been using your crock pot. Making a roast perhaps? I can't stand mess either and have a difficult time dealing with normal circumstances if things aren't in place and clean. It's just such a feeling of contentment when things are as they should be. I hear ya sister.

freeisforme said...

I love your crap....your normal! EVERYONE has things fall apart from time to time. I have a hard time while I'm working on projects to keep everything else from going down the drain.

Simply Sarah said...

Clutterbug here, yes I would like to sign up for your Clean House Training Classes! I struggle with playing with the kids, breastfeeding and trying to get a shower at somewhat regular intervals! I need to come over, or better yet, you need to come over here and I'll show you my dirty little secret. (Okay, that sounds kinky but seriously I was referring to my mess!) You can kick my butt into shape!